Despite what I can only describe as one of the worst season openers ever in which fans were treated to a demon fairy laser fight, True Blood ended on a high note. The first half of the fourth season may have struggled at times, trying to ‘re-invent’ itself with the whole ‘time moved forward’ plot, but after the show caught up with itself, it became damn good once again.
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric Northman) finally took over the reigns from Stephen Moyer (Bill Compton) and became the ‘fan favorite’, which was a long time coming in my opinion. The witches vs. vampires angle was tremendously heated and the rivalry was built up as much as it possibly could have been before getting settled in one of the most satisfying climactic episode arcs the show has had yet. Main characters finally died – which is nuts since nobody dies on this show and the finale was a shotgun blasty blast with the series’ biggest shockers yet.
Out of the ten listed shows, True Blood ranked number 8. To see who else made the list, click here.
What do you think of the assessment? Do you agree/disagree? Tell me in the comments below!
Source: Daily “Keven’s Top 10 Shows of 2011″
Image Credit: HBO, Inc.