Daft Punk – “Instant Crush” (covered by Dan Mills)

Posted on the 30 May 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

Naturally everyone is (and rightfully so) fainting or raving about the Daft Punk album. And some people take this excitement to the next level and try to put their own spin on the content. As you probably could guess, these DIY projects tend to blow hardcore. One cover that’s broken from the unfortunate trend is Dan Mills’s take on one of my favorites off of Random Access Memories, “Instant Crush.” This version is guitar driven, though far from not acoustic with its tasteful use of a beep here and there and a comparable though distinctive modulation of Dan’s voice a la the French robots. Impressive; enjoy the stripped down YouTube performance as well.

Daft Punk – “Instant Crush” (covered by Dan Mills)

Instant Crush (by Daft Punk) Guilty Pleasure Version

Check out Dan’s stuff on Twitter and at danmills.net.