Cyclamen Plant Care and Revival

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Cyclamen plant care and revival

If you have a cyclamen plant in your home, it is important to keep an eye on it for any signs of disease or other health problems. The good news is that all problems are not fatal which means that all you need to do is take action promptly to revive your plant. Here are some things to look for and tips to get your plant back in shape.

Normal life cycle

If you notice that the leaves on your cyclamen plant are turning yellow and falling off during the summer, do not worry since this is perfectly normal. The plant is preparing to enter its dormant phase. After this, it will come back to ife in the most wonderful way with fresh new leaves.


If you notice anything out of the ordinary, it is important that you separate your sick cyclamen plant from the rest of your houseplants. The last thing you want is for bugs or disease to spread to the rest of them. It is easier caring for one sick plant than multiple plants. It is also important to protect your clothing from becoming contaminated since this is another way in which disease can spread without the plants being close to one another. Any tools you use on an affected cyclamen should be thoroughly cleaned before you use them on any other plants.

Common diseases

Two of the most common diseases that can affect your cyclamen plant are Fusarium wilt and bacterial soft rot. Either of these diseases can cause the plant to turn yellow and die before you know it. Unfortunately, there is no cure for either of these diseases. They can, however, be prevented. All you need to do is make sure that you always clean any pots you plan on reusing. Botrytis blight will result in leaf spots and the flowers are affected too. You may even notice a grey fungus. If caught in time, you need to isolate the plant and run a fan in the room to ensure proper air circulation. To help prevent this disease, you should take extra special care not to wet the leaves or crown of the plant when watering. You can also try watering from the bottom instead. To do this, soak the pot in a bucket or tub of water. Thielaviopsis root rot results in stunted growth and, like certain other diseases, you cannot reverse the damage. You need to remove the plant and discard it. Viruses can also affect plants and you may notice ring spots, streaks or even deformed leaves. Again, these plants will need to be discarded.

If your cyclamen plant appears to be drying out, check to make sure that the soil is damp. You should let the top soil dry out some before watering to help prevent root rot. On a positive note, even if you are forced to discard the plant, they are one of the more affordable potted plants. This means that it will be easy enough to replace.