Cut It out

By Eteclea @eteclea2


Cut Out Dress from


Cut Out Dress from


Cut Out Dress from


Cut Out Dress from

Sunglasses from Mango

Cut Out Dress from

Necklace is thrifted

Cut Out Dress from

Shoes bought from Flea Market

Cut Out Dress from

Clutch bag from

Cut Out Dress from

Cut Out Dress from

ring from charlotte russe

Cut Out Dress

Cut Out Dress from

clutch bag


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I had an interesting weekend, I wore this look for dinner last Friday to a new Turkish restaurant called “Istanblu” down at Ybor City  which was pretty okay then had karaoke night.  And on Saturday the boo and I went to a racing event (Nitro Jam) in which I was one of the girls promoting their official apparel, where we witnessed a jaw dropping stunt from a truck that has 3 jet-powered engines! That thing can go up to 370/mph! It was the loudest thing I have ever heard, I was excited and scared at the same time since we were spectating the thing soooo close it was spitting fire like a space shuttle taking off LOL unfortunately it only went to the end of the race track.

Anyway! I ate like there’s no tomorrow again this past weekend and reaching my dream beach body seems pretty impossible right now… I just love CARBS the bad ones T__T ha! But nevertheless I had a blast!

