― Mother Teresa
I personally love this quote by Mother Teresa simply because it says so much about our world in a few words. It hits my heart right in the center. People of my age including me have a million suggestions to make this world better and still we are unable to make the situation at even our home improve even a little bit. We are so caught up in our own lives that we fail to even meet and love our own parents. Our homes have become mere hotels where the members of the family come to sleep at night because otherwise everyone is so busy in their life that there is hardly any time for bonding.
I agree about the lack of time factor as I am one of those who struggle due to the lack of time. But then on second thoughts I disagree because everything in life is tough and nothing comes easy. Only wishful thinking doesn’t help, ever. We have to manage time and spend some time with our family. Who will stand by us when we are all alone in this cruel world? The only answer that comes to my mind is “Family” and although we all know its importance yet we fail to acknowledge it in our daily life.
Our family and especially our parents are the ones who will always love us. The rest of the world only loves when you are good to them, you have to earn their love. But family loves you irrespective of what you do and how you are. But still we prefer spending time with all the people in the world but our family. We keep two phones but never call. We own several cars but we never go and meet them.
Go back in time and try to remember those small little talks your mom gave you or that extra money your dad slipped in your pocket hiding from your mom or the time when your sibling protected you from your parents’ wrath when you did something wrong. Precious moments, aren’t they? And yet we wait until the end of the year for Christmas and New Year to meet them.
I always see my parents and wonder how many more years I have with them. I live with them today but who knows what will happen tomorrow? I lost my grandfather contemplating upon whether I have the time to go and meet him or just call him. It has always made me suffer and somehow this holiday has made me realize the importance of family so much that I have decided to spend at least an hour daily with them. Just talking and sharing about my life and knowing about theirs.
Trust me the clock of your life’s time is ticking really fast and you have less time than you think you have. Live this moment and spend time with your family. Don’t make it a customary meeting but a time of love and joy. There is no one in the world who will accept you even when you are not good to them but your family. So go ahead and make the most of this holiday and promise yourself of a new beginning stating from next year which is soon approaching.