Custom Sock Designs Help Homeless Children Thrive

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia

DeadSoxy’s founder, Jason Simmons, recently partnered with Vogel Alcove to design a contest in which school-age kids would participate in a project to design a sock and write a story about their design. More than 20 designs were drawn and the top three designs were then digitized by the DeadSoxy team and developed. The efforts of DeadSoxy will help educate a new audience to the mission and services of Vogel Alcove who provides educational, developmental and therapeutic services to children and families affected by homelessness. Using its “Two-Generational” approach to solving homelessness, services are provided to client families through the early childhood education program and Parent Opportunity Department. All of these services are provided for free, in a safe and nurturing school environment, in which the families can learn and grow together.  The three winners were:
1. Fox and Sprinkles - “I wanted to be creative and make sprinkles rain from the sky, and I like it because the fox’s name is Sprinkles. Real-life is cool, but kind of boring. On my sock there’s a world where it rains sprinkles. Sprinkles go on cupcakes and cakes, and sprinkles are a treat. I wanted my sock to be a treat.” - Janessa, Age 7
2. Musical Notes - “I just really love music!! That’s all!!” (laughing hysterically) - Julius, Age 12
3. Superhero - “This is a kid superhero, who is actually standing on the ground. But, in his mind, he’s flying in the clouds. Superheroes don’t have to have special powers, they just have to help people. Like people who save a cat, or people who are policemen, or just being kind to others.” AnaLaura, Age 12

The socks are available for purchase through the DeadSoxy website. 50% of the proceeds are donated to Vogel Alcove. The socks retail for $20.