Custom Launcher For Android Tablets

Posted on the 23 July 2012 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

As much as I love gadgets and adore playing with new mobiles, tablets and computers, I can’t help but notice how impatient and dissatisfied our smart gadgets are making us. As we get used to their blazing fast speeds, we can’t stand having to wait anywhere. And no matter how cool our new mobile is, it is still not as cool as the one that released a month after it was bought. And even if it is the coolest one, we still want more features, faster speed, more memory.

When I bought my Galaxy 3 phone about a year ago, I joined a group on facebook that had only the users of Galaxy 3. Besides being the only girl there, I was the only one who was not rooting for rooting the phone. All the others just couldn’t rest trying on different custom roms and what not to get more and more from their phone. It seemed as if they all were in a sort of race, running to add more and more to their phones, getting all restless and anxious in the process. And no matter what they did or added to their phone, it still failed to satisfy them and they wanted more.

I suppose all those Android owners who know how to root their phone, do so. Maybe, I would have done it too had I known how to. Of course, I could have learned it from Google, had I wanted to. But then, my smart gadgets are already capable of doing much more than I ever set them to do.

However, while I have never tried to meddle with my phone’s innards, I do try for a little change every once in a while. But I always go for the easiest and safest alternative – installing a custom launcher.

A custom launcher is like a mask that you can make your Android devices wear. They can give a totally new user interface to your android gadgets. There are many custom launchers available for Android phones. LauncherPro, ADW Launcher, Go Launcher Ex are among the most popular. However, choices are still a bit limited when it comes to getting custom launcher for Tabs. LauncherPro and ADW Launcher both work well on the tabs though. However, Go Launcher Ex did not have a Tablet compatible launcher till very recently.

But that story changed in June 2012, and now we have Go Launcher HD for Pad. And this one is exclusively for tablets. I tried it on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 750, and liked it enough to decide to do a video review of it.

So here’s a look at Go Launcher HD for Pad, through the eyes of (rather dim eyes, I’m afraid) my Galaxy 3.
