Currently Loving...
By Emmielois
Nothing beats a good scroll through Tumblr once in a while, so I thought I would share with you what I have been loving at the moment.
My latest fashion scavenger hunt consists of finding a sheer coloured skirt like the ones above so I can look like a mermaid every single day! I'm thinking a pastel pink...for extra girliness. *
Call me crazy, but I am obsessed with lights at the moment. Not entirely sure why, so I am putting it down to the fact that it is Christmas and fairy lights seem to be everywhere I go!
I am loving the bright colours in these pictures that have been enhanced by the contrasting colours. I have been wearing a lipstick at the moment that looks like the shade of red in the jumper above and I am absolutely loving it. I wear it almost everyday. Yes, I am one of those people who wears red lipstick daily. * The minimalist look is one that I have been liking at the moment. I think it just goes well with the season; it's all crisp and cold, so why not compliment it by wearing very classic colours like Black, Navy, Camel and White...but just make sure you've got some layers on as wearing white can feel quite chilly! *
*I can not stress how much I love the laid back, boyish look. It oozes cool don't you think? Trousers over skirts any day please. *
I used to have mid/long hair a few months ago. I booked a hair appointment, sat in the chair and looked and thought....lets go for the chop.
At first I hated it, but I absolutely love having short hair now! I can get so much more volume through it and it feels so much thicker. If you have rather fine, straight hair like I do, I would totally recommend it if you love having body and texture!
* I love doing arty kind of posts like this one, it's easy to put together, yet effective and makes my blog look pretty! If you want to see more pictures like these ones, be sure to follow me on Tumblr -
next post will hopefully be an outfit, so stay tuned! Internet hugs... IF YOU LIKE MY BLOG AND THIS POST MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW ON...Bloglovin / Instagram / Tumblr / Twitter