Current Favorite Celebrity - Brandon Flowers of The Killers. He rocks. Literally.
Current Excitement - Last weekend I went to Not So Silent Night, where I saw Imagine Dragons, Grouplove, Passion Pit and more! It was really fun!
Current fashion trend - Socks. Lately, I am loving a nice thick pair of socks.
Current Favorite Blog/Website - Amazon. It has what you need. Running stuff, toiletries, food, electronics... I even buy my lady supplies from there!
Current Garden Item - Lemons! So many lemons. Do you want some? Anyone?
Current Love - Walking. I have been taking a daily stroll around the block at lunch and it is so nice to get outside, get some fresh air, and to see parts of the city that I haven't noticed before.
Current Mood - Holly and Jolly!
Current New Find - a little dive bar across from my office that pours glasses of wine right to the tippy top. And they are only 6 bucks. It could be trouble. Current Outfit -
Current Peeve - Cashews. I am not a big fan and the mixed nut can seems to be chock full of them. Why can't they put more of the good nuts, like almonds or pecans? Current Song -
Current Triumph - running in the dark. It's been fun actually, but getting the shoes on can be difficult. Current TV Show - Greys. I found all 9 seasons on the DVR and they have been my cookie making, Christmas Card assembling sidekick.
Current Wish-List - A Hydration Pack like this one.
Currently Delaying - going to my yoga Groupon. Once it starts I have 90 days to use 10 sessions and for some reason I am procrastinating committing!
Do you like cashews (if so, want mine)? Do you use your Groupons? What's on your wishlist this month?