
By Cait @caitscozycorner
Hey everyone! So sorry about not posting yesterday. I've been super sick the last few weeks as you know with this awful cold and honestly just felt miserable yet again in the last 24 hours. Luckily I'm hoping to be on the mend today ( hey coffee ! ) and wanted to share a fun little currently survey of what I'm doing today.
Currently I'm..
Drinking: grape juice with lots of ice. I'm not sure what it is but I'm just loving the taste of this sweet drink and having it pretty chilly just makes it taste that much better. 

Baking: At the moment nothing but I'm anxious to get some cookies going in a few weeks to give out to friends, family and co-workers! Stay tuned for some delicious recipes! 

Wearing: A super comfortable light blue maternity top, leggings and boots. Pretty much my new work attire at all times. 18 weeks tomorrow friends! 
Feeling: Merry and Bright. ;)

Buying: All the Christmas gifts.  I've got my immediate family all set plus some relatives and friends. Thank goodness for online sales so I don't have to brave the crowds. This hormonal pregnant lady can loose it in about 5 seconds. 

Listening To: A L L the Christmas music.  I recently downloaded Brett Eldredge's new Christmas album, love !! 
Excited About: Basically everything about December.  I'm creating a Bucket List of all the things I want to do in the next few weeks, including having Lily visit Santa, finish decorating the house, baking cookies and enjoying our last year being a family of three! 

Thankful For: all of you!  Thanks for reading loves! 
What are you currently up too?