
By Brisdon @shutuprun
I've been thinking about blog prompts. You know where you list certain things about your self or your day or your life.
This one is called "Currently..." I like to read these when other people do them because it gives a look into their life beyond the subject of their blog. I love hearing what people are reading and cooking, what makes them tick, their most embarrassing moments (although I think I have the best one of all time, which involves blowing up my boyfriend's grandparent's toilet), when they last farted, etc. etc.
So, here's my Currently....
Time and Place: 9:51 a.m. on Thursday. Sitting on my ass in my PJs at my desk drinking coffee and working. The view is spectacular.

Cooking: I'm about to put meatless lasagna in the crock pot. Recipe HERE.

Awaiting: My chapter in a new book about pregnancy coming out soon. You're going to love it. Anytime I can talk/write about vaginas is a good day.
Experiencing: Deep hunger for a chocolate chip cookie. Or this - Chocolate Chip Cookies and Milk Cake:

Working on: Signing up for the Leadville Marathon as part of my training for the TransRockies Run. Who will join me? Who is a masochist? Who loves crying in pain and despair when they run? Hell, it's only 6,333 feet of climbing. Don't be a pussy your whole life.

Reading: Fates and Furies.

Not super far into it. Also on my list: City of Thorns, Fast Girl, A Little Life, Living with a Seal and Find a Way (Diana Nyad).

Listening to: Heidi lapping up water. The occasional sound of my own farts. Hoping to tune into the new Serial podcast soon.
Craving: Running in shorts and no sleeves. The good old days:

Hating: Not running in shorts. Ice on my roads. Frozen snot. My ass-icle that won't thaw out until May.

Loving: Following AwkwardFamilyPhotos on Instagram. It seriously never gets old:

Anticipating: Vegas. Ken and are heading there in 9 days to celebrate his 50th birthday. Yes I am married to a 50 year old man. He is such a cradle robber. I mean I am only 48.9 years old. I could practically be his daughter.

TBT to 4 years ago in Sin City.

Watching: Nurse Jackie. I have successfully binge watched the show on Netflix over the past 2 weeks. Ken has been a Nurse Jackie widow. I finished last night. Oh good Lord. I will miss you Jackie. And I hope I never become a prescription drug addict. It is a tough life.

Promoting: Blue Apron on the blog next week.Again.What can I say?It's a great service.

Avoiding: Negativity. Like the plague.
Feel free to play along if you'd like. Let me know the link in the comments.
What are you reading now?

Last show you binge watched? Before NJ it was Transparent
What race are you signing up for next?