My new job as a pharmaceutical sales specialist has really opened my eyes to the health care crisis and the obesity epidemic. I really wish there was a clear cut, effective way to prevent all kids from struggling with weight gain that will later lead to heart disease and diabetes. Teaching kids about nutrition and exercise at a young age seems to be the best option right now. I wish it were more effective. I feel like either 1. kids are not educated on how to be healthy or 2. kids aren't listening. It may be a combination of both. It's too bad. It is scary.
FROM CNN: Teaching middle school students about nutrition and exercise appears to reap healthy rewards.
The program designed at the university of Michigan instructed almost 600 kids on making healthy diet choices, getting 150 minutes of exercise a week and cutting T.V. and computer time.
Four years later, students had lowered their average cholesterol, reduced their resting heart rates and most continued to make health-conscious decisions.
Researchers say programs like this could have a huge impact on long-term obesity rates as well as reducing diabetes and heart disease as students age.
-NewsAnchorMom Jen
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