Cups, Sticks and Nibbles Cookbook Review

By Cookingfromasahm
*Please know that I was not paid to do this, I was given the cookbook to review. All thoughts are my own.***These pictures are not my own. They are owned by Nibbles by Nic*
The one thing I love about being a blogger is that I meet all kinds of food bloggers.  When they get a cookbook I love to support them. When I had the opportunity to review Cups, Sticks and Nibbles I jumped at the chance. When I got the cookbook in the mail I was so excited to sit down and read it :-) So many recipes caught my attention, and next week I plan on making one of them. I will include the recipe and a link to buy the cookbook. 
The recipes are great if you are hosting a party, or just having a fun meal. I would recommend this cookbook to anyone. They have cool recipes like Pizza Meatloaf Cupcakes and Stuffed Almond Butter Strawberry Jam French Toast Skewers.  You will want to add this to your cookbook collection. 
I'll give you one to the recipes and then a link to purchase your own Cups Sticks and Nibbles.Stuffed Almond Butter Strawberry Jam French Toast Skewers
Ingredients:8 Slices of Challah bread (about 1 inch thick)1/2 C Fresh Almond butter1/3 C Strawberry jam1 C thinly sliced strawberries(more for garnish)1 tsp Cinnamon1 C Low-fat milk7 large eggs, beaten1 tsp Vanilla extract1/2 C Maple pancake syrup(more for drizzling)2 to 3 T light butter
1. Lay out bread slices on a flat surface. Spread four slices with almond butter and four slices with jam. 2. Layer strawberries evenly on the jam slices. Sprinkle the strawberries with cinnamon and place, and then place the other bread slices on top, creating sandwiches. (You will have four sandwiches in all)3. In a shallow bowl, whisk together milk, eggs, vanilla and syrup. Place the sandwiches in the egg mixture, pressing down to saturate the bread as much as possible. Flip over to douse both sides thoroughly. 4 Heat a large skillet and melt the butter over medium heat.  Cook the sandwiches three to four minutes per side until golden brown. (Press down with a spatula to seal the sandwiches)5 Remove the sandwiches from the pan and place on a cutting board. While the sandwiches are still warm, use a pastry brush to drizzle each sandwich with maple syrup. 6. Cut the sandwiches into even-sized squares and thread them onto skewers. Drizzle with more warm maple syrup and serve.
To see this recipe and more please go here:Cups, Sticks and Nibbles Cookbook