Cupcake Berry Pies

By Ally @allykitchen

TRY our best simple and delicious Cupcake Berry Pies. They're so easy, you'll wonder why you didn't try this earlier...

Cupcake Berry Pies

Just like an easy 'go-to' outfit or that 'little black dress' that you just know will fill the bill quickly and appropriately for the occasion, this recipe is one of those pretty much fail-safe 'go-to' desserts that you know will bring smiles when served warm out of the oven! Since they're small and dainty, you don't feel guilty cleaning your plate.

How to Make Easy Cupcakes

Every hostess wants to pamper herself and her loved ones with something tasty from time to time. Lush cupcakes will be just the thing in such a situation! They can be eaten or served with tea.

Cupcake Pie Crust

This Perfect Pie Crust Recipe is delicious, flaky, and perfect for sweet or savory pies. This pie crust recipe yields a crust with a rich buttery flavor. It has simple, natural ingredients and uses only pie crust for cupcakes.

Mixed Berries Pie

Frozen berries, like those from Dole Packaged Foods where it's 'summertime' all year long, can be used, or if berries are in season, then snatch them up, any combination, for this dessert. The cupcake pan I used had openings of about 2 1/2 to 3 inches~~I think you could even use a smaller one and make 'mini' berry pies!

Mini Berry Pies in Muffin Tins

Ahh finally... summer is arriving. Beach picnics and barbecues, the days of outdoor entertaining are here! For Memorial Day I volunteered to bring dessert so I baked mini blueberries in muffin tins! They're easy to make, portable, and completely delicious.

Here are some of my great cupcake recipes to try!

Crunchy cherry hand pies
Fresh apple cinnamon hand pies
Big boy apple pie cupcakes
Turkish strawberry chocolate cupcakes
Angel Food Cupcakes