Culinary Uses for a Bain-marie

By Sandikar

The bain-marie is a handy piece of kitchen equipment that can be used to create a wide range of exciting recipes. Though the only limit to the bain-marie is your own imagination, the following ideas may give you some inspiration for putting your new kitchen purchase to use.

Melting chocolate

Melting chocolate can be particularly tricky. If it is heated too quickly, it can easily burn and will be completely ruined. Due to the nature of the bain-marie, it allows chocolate to be heated slowly and helps you to avoid any mistakes that could completely ruin your recipe. This makes the bain-marie particularly useful when baking cakes or creating other sweet treats. Also, the melted chocolate can be used as part of a fondue, a quick and easy dessert that is very much in-trend at the moment. Simply add marshmallows or your favorite fresh fruit and allow everyone to help themselves.

Baking cheesecakes

Though cheesecakes may seem like fairly simple creations, baking fans will know that achieving a smooth finish can be troublesome. Baking a cheesecake in a bain-marie will prevent the top from cracking and will produce a velvet-like texture. It’s also the preferred method of domestic goddess Nigella Lawson.

Thickening condensed milk

Thickening condensed milk is an important part of confectionery making. Without a bain-marie, it can be a difficult process, but if you have this piece of equipment to hand, it can be achieved in hardly any time at all. This allows you to get on with making your confectionary with the least possible amount of fuss.

Cooking custard

A bain-marie simplifies the process of cooking custard. If not heated carefully, custard can easily split or form an outer crust before it is fully cooked through. Using a bain-marie makes the process fool-proof. It also provides an excellent way to make crème-brulees.

Creating classic warm sauces

Sauces such as Hollandaise and beurre blanc require slow heating to emulsify the mixture without causing it to curdle or split. A bain-marie takes away the pressure of worrying about your sauces, leaving you free to focus on the rest of your meal. Many people now use shop-bought sauces as they’re perceived as easier, but you’ll definitely notice the difference if you take a little time to make your own.

Keeping food heated

If you enjoy hosting dinner parties or cooking for large groups of people, you’re probably aware that keeping everything warm until you are just about to serve can be a bit of a nightmare. Having a bain-marie on standby in your kitchen can be a great way to keep sauces warm and ensure the smooth running of your meal.


With so many uses in everyday cooking, it’s easy to see why a bain-marie makes a wise investment for any cooking enthusiast. Visit a bain-marie website to buy one of your own. Not only can it make simple recipes much easier, it opens up a whole new world of culinary possibilities.

Image Credits: Denis Dervisevic and rizkapb.