I make my fresh Guacamole with avocados and cucumber. I'm not crazy about tomatoes and the addition of English cucumber to the guacamole makes the dip even more refreshing, and more green.
Here's a fast and easy recipe for my extra-green "Guac"
2 avocados, not too hard, not too soft.
1/2 English cucumber, peeled and chopped into small pieces
Juice of half a lime
1 tablespoon chopped coriander
1/4 tsp garlic paste
pinch sea salt
Halve the avocados. Remove pits. Scrape avocado flesh away from its skin. Whirr all ingredients together in a food processor or with an emersion blender. Add more lime juice or salt or a dash of Tabasco if the guacamole isn't tangy enough. Try to enjoy it fresh. Adding the pit to the leftovers will stave off the inevitable browness.
photo: wikimedia