Cuban Sandwich Pizza (Pizza Cubano)

By Jannese Torres @delishdlites

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #HomemadePizzaCrust #HomemadePizza #CollectiveBias

Yes, you read that right! We're taking the best parts of an authentic Cuban sandwich, and piling them onto a delicious homemade pizza crust to make an epic Cuban Sandwich pizza!

That's it folks, I'm officially off the rocker! When I told my hubby I was going to whip up a Cuban Sandwich pizza, he looked at my with a mix of skepticism and horror. "But why?", he asked. WHY NOT! I mean, let's think about this. What makes a good Cuban sandwich? For me, the perfect Cuban sandwich is a piping hot, cheesy, melty, divine pile of goodness.

The warm roasted pork, sweet ham, tangy pickles, funky Swiss cheese and piquant mustard combine inside crisp Cuban bread to create a symphony of flavors. The best part is that it get all bubbly and gooey as the Cubano is heated up on a sandwich press. Bubbly, cheesy goodness sure sounds like the characteristics of a delicious pizza to me! Dough + toppings + cheese + heat = AMAZING THINGS! And this Cuban Sandwich Pizza is AHHHHmazing! So it's settled, then. Cuban sandwich pizza > Cuban sandwich. After one bite, you'll understand.

I'm pretty sure this entire recipe is sacrilegious to some Latin food traditionalists, and I'm totally ok with that! That's one of my favorite things about cooking at home. I can call the shots, experiment with flavors, and create new family traditions! So when I'm in the mood to be experimental with my pizza recipes, Fleischmann's® RapidRise® Yeast helps me bake quality, yeast recipes that I'm proud to share.

I bake from scratch because nothing tastes better than homemade. I always talk about how much love my mom puts into her cooking, and I'm certain that that's why I fell in love with the kitchen too! The mixing, measuring and pouring - the joy it brings always makes it so worth it. There's something so satisfying about making yeast dough. I never get enough of how the dough rises, and how it comes to life right before your eyes. Baking with yeast is truly magic, and it's so easy with Fleischmann's® RapidRise® Yeast!

To ensure the best result, I always use a thermometer when I'm working with yeast. The water should be like warm and not hot, otherwise it will kill the yeast. Water shouldn't be cold either, or yeast won't activate. The right temperature of water is the most important factor of success of baking with yeast. You should also always check if the yeast is expired before using, as that's usually the reason dough doesn't rise.

Once you realize how easy it is to make pizza dough with Fleischmann's® RapidRise® Yeast, you'll never order takeout again! I love making double batches of my homemade pizza dough so that I can freeze the extra dough and make pizza on the fly. So next time you're in the mood for pizza night, make it at home!

How would you use Fleischmann's® RapidRise® Yeast? What ethnic recipe would you turn into a pizza? Comment below!

Cubano Pizza (Cuban Sandwich Pizza)