Arena of Fate has been officially revealed by Crytek, which will be an action packed online multiplayer shooter for PC and consoles.
It’ll see players engage in 5v5 battles utilizing a “huge roster of famous characters,” including Frankenstein, Jack the Ripper and Baron Münchhausen, who can revive from the dead, slash through enemies with his cleavers and shoot foes with his cannon respectively.
Managing Director of Crytek Black Sea and Game Director of Arena of Fate, Vesselin Handjiev, said in a statement, “Imagine Joan of Arc and Robin Hood cooperating to hunt down Little Red Riding Hood – Wouldn’t that be terrific?
“But besides the game’s iconic heroes, which everyone in the team really loves, we are also challenging ourselves to carefully craft a streamlined player experience that allows for both greater accessibility, and rich, deep, action-packed gameplay.
“We are very excited to meet the first wave of players in the arena this summer, and will be listening carefully to the feedback we receive and making the community’s contribution a key part of our efforts to perfect the fun.”