Crutches Be Gone!

By Erynecarter06

I do promise that soon enough, the blog will become more regular. To be quite honest, as I said in my last post, it’s taken a back seat to the busy-ness that has become my life. I also won’t lie – I just haven’t had the inspiration to blog. Or to write in general. And I don’t like to post on the blog, just to post. That’s not fun for you, or for me. It’s not content I can be proud of, nor is it interesting for you to read.

As soon as I get some motivation, the blog will become more active. Pinky swear.

But for now, the good news of the week?

I’M OFFICIALLY OFF CRUTCHES! Oh, and I get to start transitioning out of the boot.

I know a lot of people chronicle their injuries on their blogs. Part of me wishes I had because I probably would have been able to get a lot of pent up things out. But, again, I didn’t want to post over and over how much it sucks being injured and how sick I am of crutches. So I didn’t. Consider yourself lucky, because my family got to listen to it instead

But that’s all over because I’m off of the crutches and I can officially start getting back to my normal life. Within 2 weeks, he wants my fully out of the boot. So it means I get to start wearing two shoes (sneakers!) again. If I’m going to a lot of strenuous walking, the boot has to stay on for another week or two, but short jaunts means two shoes!

I also got the all clear to start exercising. Boot on at the gym for the next week, but I can do the bike and upper body. And I start personal training with a friend (they are considering it my physical therapy). I go back in 6 weeks for another appointment which is where I should get the all-clear to start doing more cardio. As my foot feels better though, I can do the bike at the gym (with a sneaker within 2 weeks) and start walking again.

I CAN’T EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW RELIEVED I AM. I needed to hear all of this yesterday. I’ve been so down about this prolonged injury that hearing that I’m on the mend was amazing.

Now, it’s time to stop comfort eating (and drinking) and start getting back on track. Since the injury re-occured, I’ve gained probably another 10 lbs (NOT GOOD!) so now I’m facing a 60 lb weight loss.

But I know it’s not going to be instant, so I’m focusing on small steps. I know I’ll get there. It may take me a year, but by this time next year, I’ll be at my goal weight, and healthy as can be!