Crunchy Or Squishy - What Kind of RW Nut Do You Prefer?

Posted on the 23 September 2013 by Doggone

Cruz-ing for a bruising? Yours, ours, theirs…   Blame "Ted Cruz-the-fuse" on the right wing ticking time bomb of destruction...

cross-posted from MNPP:
Crunchy munchy, squishy squishy, take your pick of nuttiness: creamy or chunky

I was surprised, at first, to see the following ad on cable television last week. The right is gnoshing down on their own, again. Any time one suspects the sane right might be taking back the Republican Party from the lunatic fringe, they prove the inmates are driving the asylum bus, or clown car, even if they’re heading for a suicidal cliff. BuzzFeed has the story of a recent test ad that I saw run. In case you missed it, it’s no longer on cable, but you can see it here:

Turns out that ad is being cooked up, creamed and steam-rolled out by none other than right wing operative and 'fixer' Nancy Watkins, who popsie Michele Bachmann hired to clean up her potentially criminal mess.  This prompts me to wonder if Watkins finished 'fixing' Michele......or just given it up as a bad job and moved on to fresh money. From the BuzzFeed article:
The super PAC is treasured by Nancy Watkins, a well-known Tampa-based campaign finance guru who previously served as the treasurer for Michele Bachmann’s failed 2012 presidential campaign and more recently helped Bachmann deal with campaign ethics issues. Watkin’s office did not return a request for comment on where else the ad was airing.
The nuttier the better, the more "pure" the extremism, the better; let the purity tests and protests begin – and flourish.  If the GOP wants to go over the cliff, let’s be helpful and give them a good helping push.  Help the clowns on the far right fringe with their efforts to get rid of Boehner.  He seems to have surrendered his party, given up and given in already anyway.