Cross Over to the Other Side

By Artborghi @artborghi

Passages allow entering the unknown, but not always they lead to somewhere else. This is the case of Sardegna sacred water wells, built by natives around 3,0000 years ago at protection of water sources. Passages can also split what is aside, like San Marco cape: on one side the always calm Mare Morto (dead sea), on the other side the waves of the open sea. Or passages may indeed lead to the other side, but just to let you enjoy the panorama in between. Click each picture to zoom in.

Sacred water well, Santa Cristina

The path through San Marco cape, Sinis peninsula

Entrance to the mine shafts, Montevecchio mining area

Natural limestone arch, S’archittu di Cuglieri

Bridge to the white quartz beach of Mari Ermi

Town gate through the thick, Medieval Spanish walls, Alghero

Bridge across the Tanui river towards Mare Morto, Cabras

This photo series is part of the reportage Ichnusa.

Filed under: photography free time, photography of architecture, Travel photography Tagged: artborghi ichnusa, fotografia alghero, fotografia cabras, fotografia capo san marco, fotografia mari ermi, fotografia montevecchio, fotografia pozzo sacro santa cristina, fotografia s'archittu, ichnusa lorenzo borghi, ichnusa photoreportage, sardegna artborghi, sardegna photo reportage, sardegna photoreportage