Critter’s Guide to Cage The Elephant’s Secret House Party During SXSW [Photos]

Posted on the 23 March 2016 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Our good friend Critter, also the incredible host of Critter’s Galaxy, is one of the funniest guys we know, so we jumped at the chance to get his thoughts on Cage The Elephant’s secret house show during SXSW. Below you’ll find a few of our favorite photos and his take on what was happening.

SXSW can be hell on earth, and Thursday night was no exception — except for hell on earth was at a secret Austin house party featuring Cage The Elephant. Also, hell turned out to be pretty fucking rad. Here are some pics from that night. It was tight.

Photos by Pooneh Ghana

I wish I had taken a class in bartending before this. But, I also wish I took a class on how to not have fucking weird fingers. Also, the dude in the back should have taken the same course, but for arms.

This happened right after I found an online course on ‘How to Not Have Fucking Weird Fingers’. I clearly failed. Luckily the dudes already had a surprise party waiting for me in hopes I passed. Again, I clearly failed.

Matt was sweating profusely at this point. And this being SXSW, he knew there would be a white male with a graphic tee he could easy wipe off with. Also, when did screech and Zack Morris have sex to make this kid.

We were all pretty lucky to be in attendance at this show, but the true winner of the night was Brad’s wife. (Google it if you must)

Photos by Roger Ho

Matt quickly found another white male fan to sing with, and Jaws kid is clearly shaken and let down. Seriously tho is everyone white here?

I saw people were having too much fun without seeing me. I was this asshole. Next time I do this please punch me in my dumb fucking face.

This is local trap star Becca Morris, who hosted this whole shin dig at her house, the trap castle. Brad thought he was meeting Chanel West Coast, and visibly lost his shit.

The road can be lonely. I also call my life, “the road.” This is the most action that I have gotten in months, and I oblige Brad. His wife is a lucky lady.