Critics Underwhelmed: The Crown’s Final Episodes Fail to Impress

Posted on the 14 December 2023 by Shoumya Chowdhury

The highly acclaimed television series, ‘The Crown,’ which has captivated audiences and critics alike with its portrayal of the British monarchy, recently aired its final episodes.

However, much to the disappointment of critics, these episodes failed to leave a lasting impression. Reviewers expressed their underwhelm with various aspects of the show, including the portrayal of Prince Harry’s character, the noticeable absence of Princess Diana, and the show’s overall depiction of palace life.

In addition, critics noted a lack of emotional drama and a smoothed-over texture that seemed to avoid offending those in power. While the show maintained a mood true to the post-Diana era, it fell short in delving deeper into the status quo and failed to deliver the scandalous and sorrowful events that were anticipated.

As a result, the final episodes of ‘The Crown’ have left critics yearning for a more impactful and satisfying conclusion.

Critics’ Disappointment With Character Portrayals

Critics were not happy with how ‘The Crown’ showed its characters in the last episodes. They said the characters, like the queen and her family, were not shown with all their interesting sides. The characters seemed too simple.

The critics missed Princess Diana a lot because she wasn’t there in the last parts, even though she was a big reason why people liked the show. They also noticed that the show didn’t have as much feeling as before. Instead of showing the real ups and downs of the royal family, the show made their lives look too calm and clean.

The critics think that how ‘The Crown’ showed its characters at the end was not as good as it used to be. They were let down and hoped for more.

Absence of Diana: A Sense of Disorientation

When ‘The Crown’ doesn’t include Princess Diana in its final episodes, viewers feel something is off. Critics say the show is too quiet and doesn’t have the same energy, reminding them of how sad everyone was when Diana died. She was a key figure in the royal family, and leaving her out makes the storyline feel incomplete. The show talks about the big events and not the scandals or her sad, early death that many people remember about Diana’s life. This makes the audience feel the absence even more.

The final episodes are made to look really polished and careful, which might be to avoid making powerful people angry. But because of this, the show doesn’t really capture the strong feelings and problems that Diana’s life brought to the royal family. Overall, not having Diana in the show leaves a big empty space, and it makes the story feel disorienting for people watching.

The Crown’s Lack of Emotional Drama

Many people who watch ‘The Crown’ are not happy with the last episodes. They feel these episodes don’t have enough feelings and strong moments.

Before, the TV show did a great job showing the life of the British royal family, and people loved it. But in the last parts, something was missing. The stories didn’t make people feel as much, and the critics wished there was more.

A big reason for this is that Princess Diana isn’t in the final episodes. She was a very important part of the show before. Without her, the show didn’t make viewers feel the strong emotions they were used to.

‘The Crown’ usually made people feel a lot, but it didn’t do that at the end.