Criticize Gantz for His Policies, Not His Stutter

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Anybody who has watched any of Benny Gantz's recent speeches or interviews has noticed that he has some sort of a stutter, perhaps even a formal speech impediment. Many people are in a tizzy over Gantz's stutter saying that he sounds ridiculous and is not appropriate for the position of Prime Minister because of his stutter and because of how poorly he interviewed - pointing to his stutter-impediment as proof.
Please stop. Criticize and oppose Gantz for his policies and his positions all you want. It is pathetic to criticize him for a stutter. We live in 2019 and a person's stutter should not be an issue to criticize and it should not be something that is scoffed at, attacked or a cause for judgment of worthiness.
Winston Churchill had a stutter, as does Tiger Woods. Joe Biden, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Branson, B.B. King, Elvis Presley and Jack Welch - among many others. And they all accomplished great things despite the stutter.
I find this very distasteful. Again, criticize and oppose him for his policies, not for his stutter.
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