Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper

By Tinkushaji

Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper

When I was in school, just like Tom Sawyer I hated Mondays!! Now I love only weekends. I wake up by 4:30 am in the morning. My son has to leave to school by 7:00 am. He has to carry his brunch and snack box by then. We (me and my husband) would leave to office by 8:00 am. Now where can I think of extending my sleep for just another 5 min :(

Plus my son is a picky eater and his brunch dishes has to be perfect. His snack box is either fresh fruits or vegetables. Nothing else!! And we do not take rice throughout the weekdays!! Rice is our Sunday menu! Other days I take roti or Kambhu aka Bajra ya Pearl Millet with veggies and curry (but) "HE" needs roti only!!! and I just hate making them!!!

Well but he never complains and off late I am getting the perfect thin, round roti's. I cannot skip making them because he skips lunch if I do not make them. And his next mandatory drink for lunch is the spiced buttermilk. He believes the roti and buttermilk has caused him weight loss!!

I would not deny because he did lose 15 kg in 12 months approx with regular walking and food control!! So I am responsible for these 2 chaps health and hunger, how can I not love my weekends to get some me times and some cheat menu!!

So I have some quick favorite menu's which these 2 brats do not prefer, I make them at times and relish my meal. One such simple dish is the Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper.

Basically I am a spicy eater. I love chilly and garlic. This Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper is my mom's recipe. She makes this for lemon rice or curd rice. I can have it as a meal itself. Today for lunch I have packed pearl millet, curd, bittergourd fry and my Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper.

Morning I sneaked 1 roti, 1 dosa with some coconut chutney and heavenly Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper.

I ll tell you this simple yet amazing recipe!!

Banana pepper (Bajji milaga) - 10 nos

Heat a tawa and wipe the tawa with oil.

Slit banana pepper and place it on the tawa.

Sprinle salt and spread oil across.

Let the banana pepper get toasted.

Then turn the banana pepper upside down and switch off the tawa.

Awesome Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper ready in a jiffy!!!

Try it out and thank me later ;)

Crispy Salted Banana-Pepper