Crime & Science Radio Upcoming Shows

By Dplylemd
CRIME & SCIENCE RADIO UPCOMING SHOWSINFO: The Body Tells the Tale: DP Lyle and Jan Burke Interview Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson

Join DP Lyle and Jan Burke as they explore the world of death, corpses, and decay with Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson. Dr. Bass is the founder of the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility, the so called Body Farm. Jon Jefferson is a journalist, writer, and documentary film maker. Together they write fiction as Jefferson Bass. This will be a lively, or is it deadly, interview.

2-1-14: Inside the Los Angeles Regional Crime Lab: An Interview with Dean Gialamas

Jan Burke and DP Lyle welcome Dean Gialamas, Director of the Los Angles County Sheriff’s Department’s Crime Lab, to the show to discuss this unique lab, what it’s like be be a crime lab director, the new federal forensic science commission, and more!

2-15-14: FBI Special Agents: What Do These Guys Do?: And Interview with George Fong, FBI Retired

Join Jan Burke and DP Lyle as they welcome retired FBI Special Agent George Fong for a lively discussion of exactly what FBI agents do.

3-1-14: Working the Crime Scene: An interview With Forensic Specialist Lisa Black

Join Jan Burke and DP lyle as they discuss working the crime scene with forensic specialist and crime fiction author Lisa Black

3-15-14: Burning Down the House: An Interview with Fire Investigator John Lentini

John Lentini will education us about scientific fire investigation, what can be learned from examining the scene of a fire, and why improved training and scientific approaches to fire investigation are so important.