Crime and Science Radio: Former FBI Agent George Fong This Saturday 2-15-14.

By Dplylemd

Join Jan Burke and DP Lyle as they welcome retired FBI Special Agent George Fong for a lively discussion of exactly what FBI agents do.

BIO: George Fong spent 27 years with the FBI where he was involved with things such as white-collar crime, foreign counterintelligence, bank robberies, drug trafficking, and violent crimes. He then retired and is currently the Director of Security for ESPN.

LISTEN: Link will go live Saturday morning


George Fong Website:

FBI Website:

FBI Jobs:

Famous FBI Investigations:

FBI Famous Cases:

The 10 Greatest FBI Agents in History:

The FBI Vault  The FBI’s “new electronic reading room, containing 6,700 documents and other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office.”

The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

State, Federal and International Law Enforcement and Corrections Agencies

Federal Law Enforcement: Organizations Served by Homeland Security’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center