Cricket and Memories

By Aliasgarmukhtiar
When i was in school and in college we never had the Internet or Facebook and stuff, so for us Cricket was one of the most entertaining form of passing time . Even if we were  just 2 or 3 of us we would start playing cricket outside our building and in fact anywhere for that matter given a chance , Sunday's used to be reserved for the big game where everybody would come , big and small and it used to be a fun morning. Then things starting moving towards another direction, marriage, kids, money, face book and later whats app and then i started playing cricket on the smart phone or sometimes on the play station 

So when my cousins came down to Pune for a long weekend couple of months back, the morning was reserved for Cricket and we headed to Empress Garden with a bat and couple of tennis balls, here in this garden there is  still some greenery left unlike most places in Pune, which you can see in the photograph. It was a fun filled morning and cricket was played in utmost competitiveness, seriousness and happiness by a couple of fathers , their wives and the sons and daughters . Waiting for another day for round 2