Crewel Progress

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

I thought I would give you an update on my embroidery progress. I have to admit to not picking it up for a week or so until last night.  I have been off color and you do need to be in the right frame of mind to do this work.  But I have found myself wasting more and more time playing games on the iPad in the evening so I decided to re-engage with the sewing. I had spent over a week doing the small color squares which were quite fiddly and if I am honest I think I could have done them better but I am probably nit picking. Last night I finished the squares and then did the three rows of chain stitch. These need a little bit of embellishment with beads and then I get to repeat the whole color squared petal on the other side.  There are two other areas of coloured squares in the overall design so hopefully by the time I have got to those my stitching will be more consistent.

Now I have picked it up again I am itching to get on with it the only problem is that I am gardening in the early evening so have to spend forever scrubbing my hands before I pick up the embroidery again!!