“Creepy Indian Men on the Internet,” by Magneto

Posted on the 22 October 2016 by Calvinthedog

Creepy Indian Men on the Internet

By Magneto

I’m sure we’ve all gotten creepy and weird messages from random Indian men on the Internet before, especially if you’re a White woman too. Anyway, I get 100s of messages a month on Facebook from random Indian men, and it’s obvious that the only reason they want to be my “friend” is because I’m a White guy living in India, so if they were to become friends with me, it would boost their own social standing and popularity mecause they’d be able to brag to their friends “Look at me, I am friends with a foreigner!”

Naturally I am unable to reply to 100’s of messages a month since I am pretty busy with different things, so every once in a while, one of the Indian guys will write a very nasty message saying something like, “Fuck you man! Why don’t you reply! You fucking asshole!”

Whenever this happens, I fucking lose my cool and explode at them. I ask them, “You think my life revolves around answering Facebook messages from random weird Indian stalkers?” Then they always go into their basic defense, “Fuck you man! You need to leave my country! You’re a foreigner!”

To this I reply, “I have more of a right to be here than you since I am a real follower of Hindu culture and religion, and therefore I am a true Indian. You are just a subhuman who happened to be born on this land.”

Then the creepy Indian man will usually say something like, “My father/uncle/brother is … (in some high position in society)” and then I reply “Oh really? So I guess it won’t matter then if I report this conversation to the police and to my two different lawyers who work for me then?”

At this point the creepy Indian guy will freak out and say some last-ditch insult in an effort to regain his pathetic ego which has by now been shattered to pieces before he blocks me. And this exact incident has happened probably at least 10 different times with 10 different Indian men. It always follows the basic same pattern, which I have outlined above.

So yes, the whole “creepy Indian stalker” stereotype is indeed very much real. I can’t even imagine how bad White women must have it. I’ve seen conversations where an Indian man will send a White woman a message, and then when she doesn’t reply within an hour, he will send another message, then another message, going days and weeks on end, sometimes sending 100’s of messages. And not only are the messages creepy, but they are also pathetic as Hell. I remember reading one message where an Indian man had written to some random White woman “Hello my little tulip rose.” LOL! What a pick up line!

Is there something wrong with Indian men? Has the pollution in India or the culture just made them completely retarded? There was actually a TV show on Indian television a few years ago called “What’s Wrong with Indian Men?” It was meant to be a comedy show, and it was mainly a bunch of Indian women complaining about how creepy and weird Indian men are and sharing their own stories about bad experiences they’ve had with creepy Indian men who tried to stalk them.

That’s the difference between feminism in India and feminism in the West. In the West, feminism has turned into a man-hating movement. Whereas in India, feminism is just trying to achieve basic equal rights for women and to also get Indian men to start treating Indian women with respect. So I actually support feminism in India. Hopefully feminism will force many Indian men to evolve and start behaving like a decent human being instead of a creepy stalker.

This is why I do not even reply to these guy’s messages because if I reply once, they will send 50 messages in return. Do Indian men lack all self-awareness or capacity for introspection? Do they honestly not realize how creepy their behavior is? Indian men have massive egos, and they cannot handle the slightest hint of rejection. Indians are probably the most insecure people on earth, and that is why they get offended so easily.

Let’s end this article with a true story. I was at a bar with a couple of Indian guys, and there was a table of five Indian girls sitting across from us. I was just sitting there at our table calmly drinking a beer, and I noticed my two Indian male friends were staring at the Indian girls. A long, sustained stare which made me literally cringe with embarrassment. I tried starting a conversation so they would focus on our own table again and it worked for a minute or so, but then they both turned around and started giving the death stare to the Indian girls again. At this point I was thinking “Holy shit, what the fuck?” but there wasn’t a whole lot I could do.

I just told them, “Let’s get out of here,” and we all left and as they walked past the ladies table, they gave the same intense stare the whole time. And both of these guys were pretty educated. One of them was a very intelligent, cultured Indian guy who was familiar with Western Classical Literature and had no trouble picking up White tourist women and having one night stands with them. I was just freaked out by this behavior and didn’t really know what to make of it. So if even highly cultured and educated Indian men behave this way, then you can’t even imagine how sick, backwards, and misogynistic the uneducated and rural village Indian men behave.

Uneducated rural village Indian men are literally living in the 12th century, and yet these people are flooding into the Western world as “refugees”. These people are incapable of integrating into 21st century modern European culture. Why? Because they are 10 centuries behind Europe, so how can we ever expect such a bunch of savage barbarians to even be capable of integration?

The average White European or American has not yet consciously understood how savage and barbaric most of these 3rd World immigrants are, because if they did there would be a civil war by tomorrow morning. If White Europeans and Americans actually understood the danger that these 3rd World barbarians pose to the West, I believe White people would fight back and send them all back to their own countries, and would have no hesitation in using force to accomplish this.

To any Indian men reading this? Please stop it with the death stare. It makes the person you are staring at very uncomfortable, and it makes you look like a very creepy stalker. Learn some manners, don’t harass women, and especially don’t harass tourists. Because you guys harass tourists and make them feel very uncomfortable, this is why India has such a bad reputation worldwide. And please stop stalking White women on the Internet. It makes you look pathetic and makes your country look like a country full of rapists.

But then again maybe that really is what India truly is- a country full of men who abuse women, rape women, and treat women like crap. If you guys ever want to evolve and join the rest of the world in the 21st century? A good place to start would be to change the way you behave towards women and learn how to behave with women in a normal, non-creepy manner.