Creepy 3D-Printed Full Mouth Toothbrush Costs $300

Posted on the 04 October 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

If you’re too busy to take 3-minutes of your day to brush your teeth, you need to get a life. Although, if you’re too concerned about wasting your time brushing your teeth, you should maybe try out a toothbrush like this one made by Blizzident which they promises to be capable of  cleaning your mouth in just six-seconds.

The horrifying 3D printed full mouth brush will set you back $300, which is a lot compared to what you pay for a normal toothbrush. But for time-savers it’ll be worth it because of the amazing result. Only if you dare to put that thing inside you mouth.

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I don’t care how fast it cleans my teeth. I’m not putting that anywhere near my mouth. I’ve got goosebumps by just looking at it. I mean what were they thinking?

Check out the video for the full horror.

[Via: 3D-printed toothbrush promises to clean your teeth in six seconds DVice]
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Follow @nrjperera - Roshan Jerad Perera