Creepin Towards Summer – Have You Grabbed Your First of the Year Yet?

By Bolanrox

The Creep, everyone loves to talk about it or complain about it. Whichever side of the fence you sit on, the fact is it is late April, and Summer beers are here. Maybe summer gets a little more slack Its easy to want a nice light summer beer if you outside most days as of late working in the yard or whatever. The same may not be said about drinking a fall spiced pumpkin ale at your 4th of July BBQ? Or maybe that is just want you are looking for, either way we are back to the topic at hand: The Creep(er)

Personally I would have said May would have been the time I expected them but that’s what less than a week away. Close enough.

That brings me back to the opening image taken yesterday at the local Wholesale store: A stack of 24 bottle cases of Yeungling’s Summer Wheat, and sitting next to it, with only the Lager to buffer them, and equal amount of their Bock Beer. (ed note: While they did not have any yet I have heard that Samuel Adams Summer is also out and on tap at this point also) I have never had the Summer Wheat as of yet, but man the Bock was good.

So what do you go with? It is spring yes, but the days are getting warmer. Then it is not like the Bock has been sitting all too long when did it come out anyway March? I am guessing most people there are saying fuck it and only get the lager. That is if they are even looking at any of them, or just going to the Heineken and Corona but that is another story.

Where am I on all of this? Honestly Unless any of the Saisons that have been teased at all points around me show up this week, my next buy will probably be a six pack of the Summer Wheat, and a maybe few more singles of the bock. Extra points if either come in cans.

Am I part of the creep, or only buying something new on the shelves that I have not had yet?