“Credit Recovery Courses” and Education Inequality

By Fsrcoin

Inequality. Mostly it’s inequality of opportunity. Which comes down to inequality of education. America’s real and growing gap is between the better educated and the less educated who earn much less. And children from poor and minority families get crappier education. That’s America’s great scandal.

High school graduation rates are a focus. What’s the fate of a poor/minority kid without even a high school diploma? Yet we tolerate this for millions.

But graduation rates, especially in poor/minority districts, have been rising. Good news? Not so fast. The Economist recently reported that many districts have responded to the pressure to improve graduation rates by simply lowering standards, to hand out more diplomas.

A big part of this is online credit recovery courses — which students can take via computer if they fail a class. One source estimates they’re now used by 69% of U.S. high schools. Especially in poor/minority areas.

Good in theory perhaps; but in The Economist’s telling, in practice this is often a fudge to change a failing grade into a passing one. It’s “all about manipulating the system,” one teacher is quoted. Students can repeat online exams — with the same questions — until they pass. “Most teachers just gave the students the answers.”

The Economist does note in passing “some pockets of real success high-performing charters in cities have helped many poor minority students most at risk of dropping out if left in traditional public schools.” Yet most “progressives” continue demonizing charter schools as “draining” funds from the public education they venerate. Seemingly blind to the rotten public schooling at the heart of the inequality they so loudly bemoan.
