Creativity & Michaels Stores

By Kathybarbro @KathyBarbro
Last month, fourteen bloggers and I were invited by Michaels to their 2012 Holiday Showcase in Dallas. We all were in arts and crafts heaven, spending time with Jo Pearson (above), Michael’s creative expert and judge of TLC’s “Craft Wars”, and previewing some of the coolest new products around. But most of all, we learned that the company is an advocate for adding creativity in our lives, no matter what your age, and no matter how tight your schedule may be. I say there are plenty of very creative projects that are easy to do in just a few minutes. This canvas leaf is my first example, and my mission is to find a lot more – especially for all the holidays just around the corner. Enjoy!
Sharpie Leaf on Mini Canvas
1. Follow my “How to Draw a Maple Leaf” to draw one in pencil on a mini canvas. Trace it with a black Brush Sharpie Marker. If you haven’t tried these new markers yet, do it soon, they are a treat!
2. Fill the inside with yellow and red Brush Sharpie Marker. Overlap the colors to make them blend a bit.
3. Fill in the background and sides with a blue Brush Sharpie Marker. I left a little white edge because the black will smear if you touch it while coloring. You may like it though, if it happens, as the look gets more “painterly”.
4. Paint the entire canvas with Sparkle Mod Podge. It will add glitter and shine at the same time!
5. Hang your masterpiece. See, wasn’t that fun and easy?