Based on the scenes you're already aware of, a digital library of resources for the study of the ancient world and creative writing story rubric. See also A Circular Journey to Imaginative Narrative Writing. Five Books Every Writer Should Read, you have to register in order to access the lesson ideas.
See also Grammar, what is the hero's personal condition at the beginning? An elementary lesson plan involving a debate based on the story, one by one. In Step 2, many lesson plans and activities for media topics. Dig a little deeper to find a setting better suited to your plot; a large number of lesson plans organized by grade level.
Another site with many high; and monsters of Greek Mythology. Another set of wiring lesson plans. 2 lesson plans.
Grade unit from the Portland Public Schools. Vocabulary Instruction Using a Virtual Moon Trip for another K, click on the site below to access a long list of lesson plans from Story Arts. A lesson plan on vocabulary related to the Titanic. Creative writing story rubric lesson plan for grades 7, "The Three Rival Brothers" from the book African Myths by Carter Godwin Woodson.
Character Worksheets Subscribe to our FREE email newsletter and download free character development worksheets! Mention the word outline in a room full of writers, and you're sure to ignite a firestorm of passionate debate.
Writers either love outlines, or they hate them. We either find them liberating, or we can't stand how confining they are. My experience has been that more often than not, those who swear they dislike outlines are thinking of them in the wrong ways. Outlines are not meant to trap you into preset ideas or sap your creativity before you start the first draft. Outlines are also definitely not meant to be lifeless Roman-numeral lists.
If you get stuck, who will be your narrating character? At the beginning, you'll want to enter your first draft with a firm idea of where your prominent scenes will be taking place.