Creative Spaces: My Office

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
In any job were you create things and make things you have to surround yourself with creative things to help the creative process flow. I mainly blog from my office and have over the past year added many things in to the space to help me think creatively and work in a better more productive environment.

My office is my own space were I can work from and i do all my writing, editing and design work in the one space. I have created a place were I can create the content for the blogging network and for the design work I am involved in. I have perfected my work spaces over the past year and have a great set up now that allows me to get the most out of my work time. This means I have separated my work spaces between my office and my gaming rig that lives in another room.
The one thing that I have found over the past few years is that color can be a big inspiration for creative people when you have color on the walls in an office you can improve productivty and mood.
Creativity is born from ideas and by having things around you that can spark ideas can lead to bigger and better ideas.

If you are having problems thinking and find you workspace drains you of energy the best way to solve the problem is to put an item or two on your desk or have a small poster on the wall. If you can surround your workspace with inspiration you will find your mood and your work will improve.
I have a been planning many things over the past few weeks and will be sorting the blogging network out over the next few days so if you find certain blogs go down or are not formatted properly just be aware that it is just some maintenance that will be happening.
Leave a comment below on how your have made your office/workplace better.
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