Creative Packaging for the Design Objects of Today

By Dwell @dwell
as  Leaders of the Pack The hallmark of a well-designed product is the big reveal.

These masterfully-designed packages are a reminder that what's on the outside can be every bit as important as what's inside. 

A Creative Outlet

With clever packaging, Bocci turns a humble electrical outlet into a design statement.


A Bluetooth speaker’s cylindrical packaging communicates a 360-degree design message.

A Touch of Class

Streamlined and tactile, Finell’s boxes reflect the brand’s polished sensibility.

That's a Wrap

For Vitsœ, the 621 side table and its packaging reflect the brand’s ethic.

What a Pill

A medicinal metaphor adds a dose of intrigue to a Bluetooth speaker’s design.

Just My Type

Heath’s latest collaboration with House Industries yields a clock whose box hints at the typographic treat inside.

Enough Said

For the Finnish furniture company Artek, packaging is a medium for its message of enduring design.