Creative and ImaginativeToys

By Maliasa

Hakan Gürsu has taken a refreshingly modern twist on wooden toys. The toys are designed to encourage creativity and they inspire imaginative play. Children can make creative fantasy creatures.

The toys are designed with sustainability in mind. The kit is made from waste pieces of industrial wood processing for the body parts, and wire-filled cotton for the arm/leg/neck pieces. The wooden parts have been waxed with paraffin to be water-resistant.  Both girls and boys find it fun to make creatures such as bugs, insects, fish, sea creatures and mollusks. And to create beings of their own imagination.

Children can create an exciting range of animals by combining various body parts in the kit. Unlimited possibilities to design simple, organic forms. The parts are interchangeable and they are  designed in a way to allow creatures to  have various number of  legs.

What body parts do you need:

  •  to create an animal that lives in the sea?
  • to create an animal that lives on land?
  • to create animal that can fly?
  • to create an animal that sleeps?

Finding and inventing names to the creates is also a fun can. What do you call an animal with a body like a turtle and legs like a bug? A turtebug or a bugturtle? What does a spiderbee look like?

And if you want something more colourful, Hakan Gürsu has designed the Aquarius kit, where children can combine and construction blocks into a fish body.