Creating Your Own Autumn Fruit Wreath

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Creating your own autumn fruit wreath

Many people think that wreaths can only be made from fresh flowers, silk flowers, or dried flowers. The fact of the matter is that wreaths can include a wide variety of elements. The key is to make sure that the elements you choose suit the theme of the event or season. In this case, autumn wreaths are best created with autumn flowers, fruit, or a combination of the two.

Just like any wreath, the place to start is at the base. Begin by creating your frame. You can do this with some wire, strong (yet flexible) vines, or something similar. Once the base is created, you will need to fill it up. Start by completely covering your wreath base with dark green foliage. If you are using a wire base, make sure that you use enough leaves to conceal the wires.

When you are done with the base, it's time to add some fruit. Some people like to use fresh fruit, others prefer dried fruit, and then there are those who enjoy the longer lasting benefit of artificial fruit. Fresh fruit can be attached using skewers, glue, or wire. Small fruits should be used since larger varieties are particularly heavy. Some examples of ideal fruits include apples, oranges, and even lemons. As for dried fruit, you will love the way dried orange and lemon slices look on a wreath. If you do plan on using artificial fruit, you may want to use artificial leaves too. This way, yo can use your wreath year after year.

The heavier the wreath, the more support it will need in order to hang. Make sure that you secure a strong string or piece of wire for hanging. A tough nail or hook should be used in order to prevent the wreath from falling.

You can also add some extra items like acorns and various types of nuts. They are great because they add a dried element and a touch of brown to the display. Like fruit, they can be attached using glue or wire. They are generally lighter in weight but, if used in large quantities, they can also make the wreath particularly heavy so take care not to overdo it.

If you create a wreath and it turns out too heavy to be hung, don't give up just yet. You can use the wreath on your dining room or living room table. Add a candle to the middle and you have a gorgeous centrepiece!