Creating Spook-tacular Family Moments With JELL-O JIGGLERS

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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I absolutely love Halloween. Well, really the whole week following Halloween is just enough to make a girl giddy with excitement. Growing up I loved Halloween because of the candy, but then knowing in just two more days it was my birthday was absolute bliss for a kid. I mean candy and cake all within days of each other! Who wouldn’t be filled with excitement?

Then I became a mom and while I still love the candy, I also love the excitement my children have for the holiday, but now I also get to continue the sugar buzz right straight through from Halloween and my birthday because my son’s birthday is the day after Halloween.

When he was born I couldn’t wait to do a Halloween themed birthday party. Those who know me know I love planning a party. And while I could have always done one for myself there’s just a certain satisfaction you get from doing it for your own children. My son’s 2nd birthday Halloween fell on a Saturday so we did the whole Halloween party thing and I have to say of all of the parties I have done I think that one has to be my favorite. We even incorporated his birthday party into the costumes that everyone wore.

It was a long day, but we had a prince, a princess, and a sorceress.

I am hoping in two years my son is going to want to do the whole Halloween birthday party thing. You know, when they are 2 you get to decide for them. When they’re 8, not so much.

If he does decide to go with a Halloween theme party again, then I do believe one of the food items will have to be some spooky JELL-O JIGGLERS. I tried making some MMMMonster JIGGLERS this week.

While they did not come out as well as I had envisioned the kids loved them. And well that’s all that matters, right? But I think my first problem was that I don’t have shot glasses (and certainly not 24 of them). So I used some small plastic cups to make them and I ended up with the manufacturers logo on the top of all my monsters.

On top of that I don’t think my grape JELL-O was firm enough when I poured the green on top because it all kind of mixed together on a lot of them. So while it says in the instructions to let stand for 5 minutes I think I should have let them stand in the fridge and probably for more like 15 or 20 minutes.

Grape JELL-O

Lime JELL-O added on top

Finding string licorice always throws me for a loop. You wouldn’t think it would be hard to find and every time I try to make something which calls for string licorice I’m always surprised at how not readily available it is. At least in my area. I would have to go to a specialty candy store to get some. So what I used as a substitute in hind sight might not have been the best, but it sure tastes good.

But my biggest flop of all, and one I’m not entirely sure what would fix it, was the face. I put it on and it looked nice at first, but eventually it just slid off and looked like black goopy blobs as I was doing the others. My only thought to possibly remedy that would be allowing them to sit at room temperature for about half an hour before actually decorating them.

So in the end I don’t think they look like monsters and this particular attempt at them would not have had me happy if I was doing them for a party, but the kids have been enjoying eating them. And the troopers that they are they even have been humoring me by making monster noises before devouring them. Makes a mother proud to see her kids playing with their food. Or something like that.

Anyways, there were some other fun JELL-O JIGGLER ideas I would love to try though. The hand coming out of a punch bowl at a party would really be classic. I am really quite bummed that I’m not throwing a Halloween party now. If only I had time to throw one together and wasn’t planning a different birthday party for my son this year. But maybe, just maybe I can do something just for my kids before we go out trick or treating. A little witches brew with a JELL-O hand JIGGLER. Kind of looks familiar…

Witches brew from my son’s 2nd birthday party with a JELL-O JIGGLER hand

So I guess it has been done before.  Perhaps it’s time to do it again.

What are your favorite Halloween JELL-O JIGGLERS?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.