Creating A Facebook Page That Stands Out From The Crowd

Posted on the 03 September 2014 by Shellykramer @ShellyKramer

Congratulations! You just created a Facebook page and filled up the necessary details.

Now what?

I’m sure the next thing many of you would think is posting a couple of your website links or sales pitch. Right?

Ssssstooppp it!

Yes, Facebook is an amazing platform that you can use to sell. However, it is not an easy and successful platform for you to sell … all the time.

If you start to sell right away, you’re definitely approaching Facebook wrongly.

This will lead us to the first point.

 1. Get the mindset correct

In order to create a successful Facebook page that stands out, one must first get the mindset correct. While Facebook is an amazing platform with over a billion users, it must not be mistaken to be a promotional platform. A mistake many businesses make is they think and use it mainly to promote their products immediately.

WRONG!! They will soon realized, it doesn’t work that way.

Here are a few questions that you should answer:

  • Who are my fans?
  • How can I add value to my fans?
  • What can I do to keep fans interested and engaged?
  • Is there a topic that they will be interested in?

After you have answered these questions, you can start creating content around it.

2. Content, content, content.

If you want your Facebook page to stand out, you need content. Your content should not be only about your promotional posts. Instead, you should follow the basic three P’s principle of Facebook posts. The 3 P’s are.

  • Personal: These posts must show the human side of your company
  • Purpose: These posts add value to your community
  • Promotional: These posts must be advertised/promoted and should help you earn money

If you’re having a hard time finding content that adds value, you will need a Facebook marketing app. The app for this is Post Planner. It has an amazing feature called Viral Photos which can help you find some of the most viral photos on Facebook.

It also has a feature called Trending content to help you find popular topics on Facebook.

3. Find your “thing”

It’s a tough one! However, if you can manage to find your thing, you’ll probably create a page that will totally stand out.

For instance with Grandma Mary aka Andrea Vah, a social media edutainer, gives advice on social media. She stands out from the rest and that is her thing, to dress up as a grandma to make learning social media easy and fun!

You don’t have to go to that extent of course, you can just think of something you’re totally passionate about such as your hobby, your expertise and then, you can blend this into your content.

4. Write differently

When I started writing, I received numerous advices from professionals telling me to follow a certain professional tone and avoid words like what ‘professionals’ don’t usually use like ‘woohoo’ or ‘yay’.

I followed their advice but writing felt so mundane for me after that. I decided that I would stick to my own style of writing and will write how I would like to speak. That is how you should approach your writing style not only on your blog but on Facebook as well.

You just have to be you. If you curse a lot, just go with it.

I’m sure Erika would agree with me.

5. Story telling

This could be the best way to stand out from the crowd. If you have a story or something that happened to you while you were building your business, travelling, cooking, etc, and you think it is relevant, share this with your fans!

It’s the best way to connect with fans. When you do that, you’ll stand out! People will remember you because of your story.

To-date, some of the pages that I remember until today are great storytellers. Every time I remember a similar story, I immediately think of that particular page. 

6. Be interesting!

Remember the question I asked you earlier? Now that you know your audience, give them content that they’ll find interesting.

Be funny, be informative, be smart and be simply interesting. Remember, Facebook is not a platform to sell. People go onto Facebook not to ‘buy’ your stuff. Instead, they simply want to relax.

Find what your audience may like and give it to them.

Summing up.

The biggest mistake I constantly see businesses make on Facebook is they hold themselves back or limit themselves. They aren’t open to try new ideas.

They soon give up after realizing what they did doesn’t work. In order to be successful and stand out on any social media platforms, you have to constantly give back to your audience. Even if Facebook changes its rules or terms, this simple idea will not change.  Love to hear your thoughts on this.

Aaron Lee is the Grand Master of Customer Delight at Post Planner, a platform that makes it easy to increase Facebook engagement. During his free time, he shares his fun adventures at

photo credit: mkhmarketing via photopin cc

Creating A Facebook Page That Stands Out From The Crowd is a post from: V3 Kansas City Integrated Marketing and Social Media Agency