If there is one meal that has caught major attention in this home are various kind of soup bowls; as if it is just enough to satiate us all our lives. And I haven’t even been a soup person, really, before this.
Off lateley, when there is a bottle full of chicken stock piled up in the refrigerator every week, there is hardly anything else I can think about. I love the real stock made from scratch – the one that has been simmered with chicken bones and the freshest ingredients; that I like to turn into creamy soups or make a cleansing chowder to fight the cold infections. Also, being a parent, it becomes more uncomplicated to make my own than frantically read those labels on the cans or powders bought from a supermarket. I also urge that you make yours as well. The slow cooked bone broth forms the basis of any good soup and pumps up the nutritional value of the meal, providing instant energy. What I do for my homemade chicken stock is pretty simple – choose chicken pieces with bones as they have tons of flavor and cover it with water, sliced onion, fresh ginger and garlic paste, pepper and salt. Cook on medium heat for 40-45 minutes. It is good to use immediately or can be stored in an air tight bottle for upto a week in a refrigerator. However, if you’d like to do a vegetarian version, a good vegetable broth made at home should be your ideal choice.
We have been trying to eat light for dinner. So creamy soups work out to be a dainty meal that keeps us full and satisfied until next morning. This soup is soooo good – it can easily transition to your light summer meals (in a few months from now) as the ingredients in it help ease up the digestion too. And the fact that it is made from basic ingredeints found in any pantry or easily accessible makes it comfortable to put together.
Broccoli, spinach and cilantro are always in my vegetable tray as I use a lot of it weekly in my cooking. Also, the three make a delicious combination that even a toddler in my home cannot resist! I know many don’t like the taste of cilantro especially if it is churned, so feel free to change it with another green veggie (think of basil!) or overlook it completely.
Here’s how I do it –
Spinach, Broccoli and Cilantro Soup
- Difficulty: Easy
- Broccoli – 100 gms, stalk and florets separated
- Garlic – 6, minced or finely chopped
- Spinach – 1 bunch
- Cilantro – 1, cup with stems (ends discarded)
- Chicken or vegetable stock – 3-4 cups
- Lemon zest – 1 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Olive oil – 1 tbsp + 1 tsp
- Onion – 1, finely chopped
- Pepper – 1 tsp
Method : Preheat oven to 200 Degreec C and in a bowl mix together broccoli florets, olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast for about 15 minutes until tender and brown. Chop the stalk and set aside. Heat remaining olive oil in a pan and saute garlic. Add onion and broccoli stalk and cook until they turn soft on medium low. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil on a medium high heat. Simmer down for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, wash the spinach and cilantro very well. Heat a large pot of water with salt and blanch spinach-cilantro for not more than 1 minute. Drain and transfer into a blender alongwith the soup base made of stock and broccoli stalks. Puree until smooth. At this point, you can either serve it cold or heat up to serve warm. Garnish with prepared broccoli florets and cilantro.