Crayoned and Dyed Egg Series – Number Two

By Sarahcraftylocks

This crayon and dye technique is one of my favourite! It is like an invisible drawing that magically appears. Crayoned and Dyed Egg Series – number two

It is a very simple process, you just draw a picture with white crayon on white paper, and then paint dye or food colouring or very watery paint over the top. The wax in the crayon resists the watery color and shows through. If course drawing a picture in white crayon is a bit tricky as you cannot really see what you are drawing – but I think this is part of the fun! It is best to not try to draw anything specific – a pattern like this example works really well.

The invisible white crayon on white paper picture.

Crayoned and Dyed Egg Series – number two

Then the dye is painted over top and the picture appears!

Crayoned and Dyed Egg Series – number two
Crayoned and Dyed Egg Series – number two
Crayoned and Dyed Egg Series – number two

Also make sure you see Crayoned and Dyed Egg number one as well!