Craig Quits His Day Job (2018)

By Newguy

Director: Eric Paul Chapman

Writer: Eric Paul Chapman (Screenplay)

Starring: Garrett Titlebaum, Jordan Streussnig, Chace Beck, Eric Paul Chapman, Cindy Fernandez-Nixon, Michael Sullivan

Plot: Craig abruptly quits his dead-end day job and embarks on an epic quest to unite quitters the world over – or at least the ones in his neighborhood with nothing better to do.

Runtime: 1 Hour 20 Minutes

There may be spoilers the rest of the review

Verdict: Laugh Out Loud Comedy

Story: Craig Quits His Day Job starts the day Craig (Titlebaum) quits his job after having an epiphany, not wanting to just sit at home, Craig wants to start a movement for people to quit their jobs, his only supports are the beautiful Grace (Streussnig) who is in a controlling relationship and the mysterious man Bing (Beck) even though they never attend the meetings.

As the week goes on Craig sees life from the unemployed point of view with the colourful characters in his apartment and learning there is more to life.

Thoughts on Craig Quits His Day Job

Characters – Craig is an everyday man classed as a man who would never quit his job, a lifer. He decides to give up his job believing there is more to life only to find himself trying to create a quitter’s support group. Grace is the beautiful neighbor that supports Craig with his choice as she looks to change her own life’s choices too. Bing is a mysterious man that may or may not live across the street from Craig that tries to push Craig into a life he doesn’t usually step into. We do have other colourful characters including Klaus who is Grace’s boyfriend, AnnaMaria the strict bossy boss that Craig leaves and the scene stealing Jerry who is beyond strange with his behavior.

PerformancesGarrett Titlebaum in the lead role appears in every scene and he is great handling the comedy and the reactions to each of the colourful characters. Jordan Streussnig as the potential love interest brings us he quirky girl next door performance through well in her performance. Chace Beck brings us a character that does feel like a younger version of the Janitor in Scrubs in his performance which works well. The whole cast never look out of place in this film though.

StoryThe story follows the first week of Craig after he quits his job, he meets new people while trying to find his own direction in life. This plays out for anyone who is frustrated with their day job and would like to see if they could break out to be able to achieve something more. The multiple branches to what Craig gets up to during this week too, which does keep us entertained.

Comedy The comedy comes naturally when it comes to meeting people outside your comfort zone, moments can come off quirky at times which is fine for my sense of humor.

SettingsThe settings show us the mix of different people you could find in an apartment, as well as just an everyday small city too.

Scene of the Movie –
Saturday All Stars meeting.

That Moment That Annoyed Me Learning slightly more about Bing’s motives.

Final ThoughtsThis is a comedy that plays off everyday life, the moments are funny, the characters are quirky and colourful.

Overall: This comedy will make you laugh.


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