Craftsy Blogger Awards 2013

By Tampabaycrochet @TampaBayCrochet

From October 1-14 Craftsy is accepting nominations for the 2013 blogger awards.  I am asking all of my loyal readers to please help support my blog by nominating me in the Knitting & Crochet category.  Nominating me only takes a minute and would mean the world to me.

Craftsy is selecting three winners in each category.  Winners will receive a free class of their choice, a badge for their site and possibly a promotion on the Craftsy website.  The exposure would be an amazing opportunity for my blog and I would love the opportunity to take another Craftsy course.

To nominate my blog, you can click here, scroll to the bottom of the page and click where it says, "click here to get started.  

- On the next page you will need to enter the following information:
- What is the URL of the blog you'd like to nominate?

- What category are you submitting the blog in?  Knitting and Crochet - What award are you submitting the blog for?  Best Tutorials - If you have a blog, you can enter the address - You will then need to enter your e-mail address and press submit. That's it!

Thank you in advance for your support!