COVID-19: Russia Exceeds 10,000 Dead

Posted on the 04 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619

(Moscow) Russia announced on Saturday that it had registered more than 10 00 0 deaths due to the pandemic of new coronavirus, an assessment which remains however lower than that of other countries also badly affected by the virus.

Posted on July 4 2020 at 7 a.m. 46

France Media Agency

The number of dead persons from COVID – 19 amounts to 10 027, an increase of 167 deaths since Friday, the government reported on its website.

Russia has confirmed 674 515 COVID case – 19, third highest toll in the world.

However, the low number of deaths compared to cases of infection, in comparison with other countries, raises questions about a possible undervaluation of the death toll.

Russia explained its lower figures, compared to Western countries, by the fact that it counted first of all only deaths whose first cause, after autopsy, is the coronavirus, when other countries identify almost all of the deaths of patients declared positive.

The Russian authorities also maintain that the epidemic having arrived later in Russia, the country had time to prepare its hospitals and to develop a massive policy of detection.

In its April death toll, the state agency Rosstat doubled the number of deaths recorded for that month, after broadening the definition of deaths based on recommendations from the World Health Organization.

The Moscow Department of Health counted in May 5260 deaths due to the coronavirus using this classification method.

For its part, the government site still indicates that 3929 people died from COVID – 19 in the capital for the duration of the pandemic.