COVID-19: More Than 60,000 Cases in 24 Hours, 1,000 Additional Deaths in the United States

Posted on the 23 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619

(Washington) The United States recorded again Wednesday, for the ninth consecutive day, more than 60 000 new cases of contamination with the coronavirus in the space of 24 hours, depending on the count at 20 h 30 from Johns Hopkins University.

Posted on 22 July 2020 at 20 h 53

France Media Agency

1059 deaths were also recorded during this period, for a total of 142 942 dead, according to the Baltimore-based university, whose reports refer to.

The 60 967 new infections detected over a day amount to more than 3.9 million the total number of positive cases recorded in the country since the start of the pandemic, which appeared in December in China before spreading to the rest of the world.

More than 1.2 million Americans have also been declared cured of the disease.

By far the most affected country in the world in absolute terms, the United States, after having experienced an improvement in the late spring, have for several weeks seen the epidemic on the rise again, especially in the south and The west of the country.

Wednesday, with almost 142 00 confirmed cases, California has become the state with the most coronavirus infections, overtaking New York – but it is also the most populous US state, with more than double the population from New York.

More than 7800 people have died in California since the start of the pandemic, including 115 Tuesday.