Cover Reveal: Accession by Terah Edun

By Theliteraturelion @LiteratureLion
So, I have yet to read Beautiful Creatures, but it's at the top of my to-read list so I can watch the movie without being totally confused or ruining the book. The book cover that I'm here to help reveal to the world is for Accession - a new "witchy romantic thriller" much like Beautiful Creatures. 
Now is the time to release the beautiful cover! I think it's wonderful and I can't wait to read the book!

Title: Accession

Author:Terah EdunSeries: The Sarath Web #1Released Date: September 13th, 2013
She will be more powerful than the Blood could have ever imagined. 

He will not claim a mortal Queen and will do anything to stop her.
Their battle will begin in September 2013.

Author Bio
Terah Edun is an international development professional and author/lover of all things Young Adult Fantasy fiction. She is a native Georgian, adoptive Washingtonian, unrepentant expat currently living in South Sudan, brilliant dreamer, lover of dogs and not-so-closet geek. Her first novel, Red Madrassa, was released on November 8th and her second novel, Sworn to Raise, comes out in March 2013.             Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter