Cover Release: AJAYA – Epic of the Kaurava Clan by Anand Neelakantan: Releasing Dec 1, 2013

Posted on the 12 November 2013 by Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

Anand Neelakantan is already a well known name in literary arena for his blockbuster debut mythological epic Asura - Tale of the Vanquished - The story of Ravan and his people. Asura was based on Indian mythological Ramayana but written entirely from a different perspective. The book has Ravana has its lead character, as a hero, taking you through Ramayana, from his perspective.
Anand Neelkantan's new arrival Ajaya - Epic of Kaurava Clan is scheduled to be launched on Dec 1, 2013 published by LeadStart Publishing. Ajaya is one of the meanings of Duryodhana. Another meaning interprets it as 'one who is difficult to conquer'. Ajaya is the story of Duryodhana, hero of the losing side, from his perspective, seen Mahabharata from his eyes.
Here is the cover release of Ajaya - Epic of Kaurava Clan that definitely is going to win its readers heart in a similar fashion as Asura. Readers and fans of Anand Neelkantan's work can get a prelude of Ajaya here. There is also a contest running here based on Ajaya.