Couples’ DIY Tips, 5 Awesome Toilets, and 8 Secret Stashes for Your Treasures: It’s the Weekly Round-Up!

By Jakemontgomery @LTDOnlineStores

Happy first day of summer, everyone! It’s been a very busy week for us (you might have noticed we did not have a Weekly Round-Up last week), but we’re very excited for all that’s been going on here on the West Coast! Stay tuned, we’ve got some cool announcements coming up in the not too distant future. But, before we get into that, it’s time for our newest edition of the Weekly Round-Up!

This time around, you’ll read all about: tips for a newly-co-habitating couple on the eve of their very first cooperative DIY project, 5 of the coolest toilets we’ve ever seen (and we’ve seen a lot!), fun new accessories from FAB that can be implemented in your bathroom and elsewhere, really clever hidden caches and safes for all your valuables, and a unique Pinterest contest that will let you show off your summer style!

So, let’s jump right into it: time to kick off this week’s Round-Up!

1. 4 Tips for Surviving Your First DIY Project as a Couple

Image Via RealWorld101

Moving in with a significant other is a big, life-changing deal. And, as with all big, life-changing deals, it poses its own challenges to complement all the wonderful, exciting, awesome feelings that are endemic to the change. The challenges facing a newly-co-habitating couple are perhaps best encapsulated in their very first DIY home improvement project. DIY projects are great for couples because you get to create something together, work as a team, and accomplish something that’s just for the two of you. Of course, with projects like this, egos come out, stubbornness can set in, and if you’re not careful, some harsh words can get tossed around. Luckily, Rachel over at the Nest gives us 4 critical tips on how to “survive” your first DIY project as a couple. Leave your egos at the door, and get ready to be a team player, because with these tips in mind your DIY project is going to turn out great!

2. 5 More of the World’s Coolest Toilets

Via Tradewinds Imports

Last week, we talked about the 5 coolest toilets we’d ever seen. But as it happens, in our internet travels, we discovered that there are actually a TON of really cool toilets out there, prompting us to write this follow-up piece. Some of these toilets are silly. Some are weird. Some are basically bathroom Swiss Army Knives. But all of them are totally interesting and worth checking out! Who knows? One of these might end up in your bathroom one day!

3. Katie at Bower Power Shares Her FAB Favorites

Via Bower Power

Katie, the self-proclaimed Jedi Knight of the Bower Power blog, loves FAB. She loves it so much, in fact, that she sometimes shares her favorite FAB finds with her readers. In this edition, we were pretty impressed with some of her picks, because we couldn’t stop thinking about ways to implement them into our bathroom designs! Check out the navy rug, with its Escher-esque geometric designs, and the white bongo side table, which could be a great addition to a roomy master bathroom – perfect for plants, candles, reading material, and stacks of spare towels.

4. 8 Super-Secret Spots to Stash Your Valuables at Home

Via Apartment Therapy

A safe in the closet is just a little too obvious. If you’re looking for a more creative solution to your stash-stashing problem, then be sure to check out this article from Apartment Therapy. They have 8 fantastic solutions to hide your priceless trinkets in a way that’s not only very secret and very safe, but very fun and fashinoable (well, at least fun) too! From wall art, to hollow books, to air vents, to a head of lettuce (!), Apartment Therapy has the perfect cache for your cash.

5. CONTEST! Design Your Ideal Summer Party on Pinterest and Win!

Via D*S

This week, and just in time for the first day of summer, Design Sponge announced a contest that has certainly grabbed our attention! They want to know what your idea of a PERFECT summer party would entail, and they want you to show them with Pinterest pins! The winning Pinterest user will have their designs featured on Design Sponge, along with other benefits. Be sure to check it out, we’ll certainly be joining in on the fun.

That’s all we have this week. Enjoy your first weekend of summer, get some great remodeling time in this weekend, and as always, we’ll see you next week!

The Weekly Round Up is curated by Mike Bowman. Mike doesn’t have any valuables worth stashing but he might purchase that tacky head of lettuce safe anyway, and sometimes he wonders if anyone else spends as much time thinking about cool toilets as he does (they probably don’t).